Probably your answer is: "Of course!" With so much agitation and a thousand tasks to do on a daily basis, it is rare to even find someone who does not suffer from stress. The WHO (World Health Organization) made a survey and found that 90% of the world's population suffers from it. Apart from the diseases that are associated with stress, such as cancer, depression, diabetes and hypertension - the list can still be much higher.
And look, do not stop there, Brazil is the second country with the highest level of stress in the world, every ten workers, three at least suffer from intense mental exhaustion. Above we talk about some diseases that may be associated, but there are the "symptoms" that are:
- headaches - muscle pain
- Hair Loss - Sleep Disorder
- gastrointestinal problems - mental fatigue
- depression due to disappointment - lack of creativity
Well, if you have been through this, the simple tip, if you can not get rid of the problems, learn from them, try to change some habits to feel better, start eating more fruits, and ingest more water for example, change the Soda for juices and the consumption of pasta and cereal fry. A balanced diet can help you a lot, keeping your body functioning better.
When in doubt if you are very stressed, take a test and see what level you are in, be honest.
Think about your day to day life and respond to the items below. Add up the points and see the result.
1 = Rarely, 2 = Sometimes and 3 = Often
1. I feel dissatisfied with my personal life.
2. When I feel pressured, I explode.
3. I accept new tasks even when I am overwhelmed.
4. I often get itchy.
5. I have used alcohol / drug to relax.
6. Having to focus on the negative side of situations.
7. I have trouble sleeping.
Up to 9 points: Green light! You are coping well with your demands, either because you do not feel too demanding right now or because you have effective coping techniques.
From 10 to 15: Yellow sign! Turn your difficulties into challenges and plan to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Change what you can in your routine and organize yourself to deal with situations you have no control over to change.
Above 15: Red Signal! You are allowing the pressures to impair your quality of life. Pay more attention in your day to day and organize to face the situations without prejudice to your health. The guidance of a professional can be important.
Source: Ana Maria Rossi, PhD, president of the International Stress Management Association in Brazil (ISMA-BR) and co-chair in the Occupational Health Division of the World Association of Psychiatry (WPA).