Discover the price per m²

The average price per square meter in João Pessoa

Check the average price per square meter in various neighborhoods and find the best option for you.

Cabo Branco

R$ 10.799,00* por m²

Jardim Oceania

R$ 9.072,00* por m²


R$ 8.958,00* por m²


R$ 7.875,00* por m²


R$ 7.325,00* por m²

Castelo Branco

R$ 7.318,00* por m²


R$ 6.935,00* por m²


R$ 6.721,00* por m²

Portal do Sol

R$ 5.070,00* por m²

Jardim Cidade Universitária

R$ 4.850,00* por m²

*The values listed here may vary depending on the property's location within the neighborhood, whether it is new or used, and the construction time. For an accurate evaluation, consult an Execut realtor.

Source: Fipezap e DataZAP