The growth of the Paraíba real estate market becomes increasingly evident and proven throughout studies, articles and graphics.
According to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), João Pessoa has become the city in northeastern Brazil with the highest percentage of inhabitants living in apartments. They point to a percentage of 37.48% of the population, that is, more than 300 thousand people.
In the general ranking, led by the cities of Santos (SP) and Balneário Camboriú (SC), the capital of Paraíba comes in 15th place, ahead of the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Over the years we have noticed a worldwide trend that is constantly growing, which is living in apartments.
In the census carried out in 2022, for example, around 12.5% of Brazilians have already opted for this style of housing, while in 2010 the percentage was 8.46%.
To understand the magnitude of these numbers, it is important to know that according to the last census, the total population of Brazil was 203,080,756 inhabitants. The population of João Pessoa is 833,932 people.
This is all a reflection of a new lifestyle that seeks more amenities, security and privileged locations when choosing your home.
Here at Execut you have an ally to find the perfect apartment that encompasses all of this and also offers you much more. Schedule your visit now and experience the best that João Pessoa can offer you
Source: Click PB