In times of many channels for accessing information on the internet, it is necessary to be aware and supported by legal institutions to stay away from financial scams of any kind.
At Execut, consultancy and real estate business management is done with the highest quality and follows an internationally recognized standard, we are certified by ISO 9001.
Our brokers are certified by the state CRECI, our employees are trained and supervised ensuring the reliability of our procedures and with us, your data is protected by the new LGPD (General Data Protection Law).
In this market, where one of the main assets is placed on the market, it is important to verify the identity and certification of the professional and not trust individuals who pretend to be realtors or professionals in the field. When contacting or being contacted by someone about a property transaction, whether for purchase or rent:
1. Check the professional's state CRECI number as well as the institution's card;
2. Never provide your data to third parties without being sure of the credential or which real estate institution it belongs to (real estate companies are also registered with CRECI – Legal Entity);
3. If there are suspicions, call the real estate agency and confirm the identity of the broker and whether he/she is associated with the team;
4. Always try to chat via WhatsApp to have evidence of the suspicious approach;
5. Take prints of the conversation if there are any suspicions;
6. Save the suspect's data (cell phone number, photo, audios and transmitted information);
7. Do not make any kind of payment or bank transaction to strangers;
8. Always look for an accredited or well-known real estate professional with years of experience.
Execut is ready to offer you complete and secure management to buy, rent or manage a property. Contact us!