Anyone who is waiting for an opportunity to buy the home itself should stay tuned. The scenario of the real estate market, in the view of experts, indicates that the conjuncture is favorable to transform the dream into reality. The sector should start 2019 in full reheating. The economy, after going through the harshest recession in Brazilian history, began to get in the way. Inflation continues within the targets established by the government, a situation that does not generate pressure to raise the basic interest rate (Selic). The improvement in the economy, however, will enable a slight increase in real estate prices. Therefore, professionals in the industry explain that for those who have the conditions, the best time to get a house or apartment with more price is now.
Industry insiders are confident that the new economic scenario will bring more movement to the real estate market, which has already replayed a resurgence in August, when the Rate of Sales (IVV) of new real estate, calculated by the Association of Real Estate Market Companies Federal District (Ademi-DF), had a 40% increase compared to May.
Another reason for the increase in sales of real estate is the low supply of residential units ready for occupation - in the Federal District are currently only 3,330 units. It is a picture that also indicates the prospect of rising prices. "We stayed for a long time having more or less 9 thousand properties in stock. The time now is 3:30 PM. This facilitates the collection of new financing and demonstrates the recovery of the sector, "says Paulo Muniz, president of Ademi-DF.
Paulo Muniz, president of Ademi, predicts that next year should be better for the sector. "Real estate launches are now selling faster than real estate ready. By the end of the year, we'll have another three releases. But it is in February 2019 that companies will make more products available to customers" he explains. He adds that the signaling that the country has come to live a more favorable economic moment induces companies to put more products in the market.
According to the president of Ademi, the lack of confidence and volatility that came with the economic recession made the real estate investment safer and even more profitable than the financial market options. This is another factor that contributes to the recovery of the sector. "Now we are moving towards a stabilized economy and we must have a greater supply. This will generate more jobs, confident people and better options for real estate financing, "Muniz predicts. "However, the price of real estate may go up a bit. I think the right time to buy is now, "he adds.
For the president of the Regional Council of Real Estate Brokers of the 8th Region (Creci-DF), Hermes Alcântara, the sector's rewarming trend gained a major boost with the government's decision to anticipate the rule that allows to finance properties with value up to R $ 1.5 million using FGTS resources. He notes, however, that the picture of recovery will only become clearer when there is a better definition of the economic policy of the new government. "We need to know the guidelines that will be drawn, mainly, for the real estate market, such as offering resources and facilitating credit," he explains.
Source: Diário de Pernambuco