Pet friendly condominiums: the inclusion of pets in living areas

  • Ideas

A consolidated trend in recent developments, pet friendly spaces have become a decisive factor for families to choose their next home. Due to this, pets have gained more and more space in the living areas of these condominiums.

A friendly enterprise for animals allows the creation of animals freely in the apartments and their circulation in the collective areas. In some projects there are even environments designed especially for them, such as a pet shop, playground for pets and specific places for bathing and grooming.

This type of enterprise brings much more security and comfort to families who have pets, since it is possible to walk with the animals in the internal area of the condominium. In this way, the tutor remains protected by the enterprise's own security systems and avoids the pet's stress, as it is not exposed to vehicle noises and other situations.

Execut has great options for pet friendly ventures. Contact us or visit one of our units and find out!