That the capital of Paraiba is a spectacle for the quality of life, is not news to anyone. You can see it in the eyes
and smiles of the people who share their daily lives with so much natural beauty.
However, it is always motivating to see the easternmost point of the Americas being mentioned by a famous
British Youtuber. And the best: in the ranking, it was the only Brazilian capital to be mentioned.
That's what you read!
João Pessoa entered the list of the "10 Cities of South America to Live Better". That is, within the parameters of
the influencer, when it comes to tourism and housing, the capital is highlighted.
Did you like the subject? Continue reading below.
Why João Pessoa is so Extraordinary?
According to the ranking prepared by Skerry Harry, on his Youtube channel, the capital of Paraiba stood out in
key points when it comes to quality of life, housing or even retirement. Topics such as cost of living and environmental conditions are mentioned and gain evidence, especially
when pointing João Pessoa as a cheap place to live compared to the rest of the country and with less
congestion compared to other cities. Other reasons given are the country's highest safety record, air quality and inevitably the natural beauty.
What Other Cities Were Cited Besides João Pessoa?
The British Youtuber cited cities such as Buenos Aires, Argentina; Cuzco, Peru; Santa Marta, Colombia;
Quito, Ecuador; Lima, Peru; Montevideo, Uruguay; Salinas, Ecuador; Medellin, Colombia; and Santiago,
And because his page addresses the whole world, his recognition puts the Paraíba capital in the spotlight, not
least because, according to Skerry himself, most of his audience had never heard of the city, even though it's
one of the best places to live.
The Destination of João Pessoa is to be the Destination of All
The easternmost point of the Americas did not make the influencer's list for nothing. And the numbers are there to
prove it.
João Pessoa is the 3rd most sought after destination in Brazil and in 2021 alone, the city recorded an increase of
145.10% in reservations in the hotel network, according to data from Omnibees, booking websites.
João Pessoa is a tourism power; a capital that is deservedly earning its place in the sun; a unique place in
infrastructure, gastronomy and culture; a destination that asks for an encore in front of so many beauties,
beaches and regions.